Twitter Bookmarks: A New Way to Save Tweets You May Want to Revisit


Twitter is an online news and social networking service where users post and interact with messages known as “tweets“. Yesterday, it announced the official launch of a new Bookmarks feature designed to allow its users to save tweets for later access.

All tweets now feature an updated “share” icon used for both bookmarking and sharing tweets. Twitter says the icon is meant to make it easier to save and share privately or publicly. Prior to this development, saving a tweet could be done by liking a tweet, but now you can save them without tapping the heart and directly engaging with a tweet.

Another distinctitive thing about this feature is that the bookmarks are private, so no one can see which tweets you have bookmarked, unlike the “Like” option.

Now You Can Bookmark Tweets!
Now You Can Bookmark Tweets!

To bookmark a tweet, tap or click on the new ‘share’ icon beneath a tweet (It’s located where the Direct Message icon previously was). Twitter will use this update to move all your sharing options into one place. When you tap the ‘share’ icon, you will see an option to either send the tweet via a direct message, add it to your Bookmarks list, or share it outside of Twitter.

Can  a Bookmark be Removed?

Yes, it can. All you need to do is tap the ‘share’ icon from the tweet within your bookmark timeline and select ‘Remove tweet’ from bookmarks. Also, you can tap the ‘More’ (three dots) icon at the top of your bookmark timeline to remove your bookmarks, all at once.

You Can Also Access Your Bookmarks From Your Profile Icon Menu
You Can Also Access Your Bookmarks From Your Profile Icon Menu

You can access your bookmarks via the main slide-out menu on mobile. Just tap on ‘Bookmarks’ from the profile icon menu your desktop.

Bookmarks were rolled out across Twitter for Android and iOS, Twitter Lite, and the mobile Twitter website.


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