Last December, Jumia shut down its food delivery service, Jumia Foods in Kigali, following a series of closures that marked the closure of Jumia entire operations in Rwanda, Cameroun and Tanzania. But a former Managing Director has decided the business wasn’t the problem and has more or less revived the service, in his own name.
The former Jumia Food Managing Director (MD), Albert Munyabugingo, has launched Vuba Vuba Africa. This is a new online food ordering and delivery platform that is nicely filling the gap left by Jumia Foods in Kigali.
The former MD, Munyabugingo has leveraged most of the network and resources Jumia Foods left behind to launch his very similar food ordering and delivery service.
Munyabugingo has the support of a team of staff who worked with him while at Jumia Foods and has also retained about 80 per cent of Jumia delivery riders in Kigali.

Just like Jumia Foods, on-demand moto taxi app CanGo Africa, formerly SafeMotos which could have been a strong competition for Vuba Vuba recently shut down in Rwanda due to lack of Funding. This makes Vuba Vuba the only food delivery platform left in Kigali.
Vuba Vuba Africa took the initiative by launching just days before Jumia Foods permanent closure in the country, essentially sealing up the gap in the delivery market.
The new Kigali-based startup aims to help businesses like restaurants, hotels, supermarkets etc increase their sales as well as increase their marketing efforts through its app.
The startup is also doing better with delayed payments and cash flow and is avoiding those problems by releasing payments frequently to its vendors.
The startup offers pick-up orders from residents in Kigali as well as delivers food from restaurants, groceries from supermarkets and stationary for homes and office.