Interested in Putting Together a Strong Y Combinator Application? Attend the Y Combinator Lagos Meetup for Startup Founders

Funding is a major tool for startups to scale and without it, a startup could die. But thanks to accelerators like Y Combinator that provide seed funding to early-growth startups; funding is now accessible to startups that need them.

However, qualifying and getting picked for these accelerators is another hurdle to cross. That is why FinTech Startup, Paystack is organizing a Y combinator meetup for startups to come and learn everything they need to know about putting together a strong Y Combinator application.

At the meetup, startups would learn answers to questions like:

  • What’s the exact timeline of the process from deadline to acceptance?
  • What does YC look out for when making the selection?
  • What’re common mistakes African teams make when pitching YC?
  • What’s the best way to prepare for the YC interview?
  • If you’ve pitched unsuccessfully in the past, should you pitch again? And much more!

The event is scheduled for Saturday, September 15, 2018, by 11 am at Paystack’s Office –3A, Ladoke Akintola, Ikeja GRA, Lagos. The event would be featuring sessions that would talk about Y combinator, discussions with Y Combinator founders, Questions and answers as well as time to network and meet with other participants.

Since inception, Nigerian startups have continued to join the accelerator (including Paystack who was the first to join). Who knows, your startup could be the next!

Applications for invites are currently open and you can click here to get started.

About Y Combinator

Y Combinator is an American seed accelerator, started in March 2005. Since then, it has spawned a number of highly successful programs with a focus on founders and helping them on further developing their product, team, market, refining their business model, achieving product/market fit, and scaling their startups into high growth businesses.

Y Combinator interviews and selects two batches of companies per year. The companies receive seed money, advice, and connections in exchange for 7% equity. The deadline for applications to its Winter 2019 funding cycle is 8 pm on October 2nd. Apply here.

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