Major Takeaways from Austin Okere’s #TechIndustrySuccess Tweetchat with the NCS

David Afolayan
GBSN Keynote and Reception. Washington DC Nov. 1 ,2017 . © Rick Reinhard 2017 email [email protected]

Yesterday, Austin Okere, the founder of the largest Systems Integration Company in Sub-Saharan Africa, CWG Plc, had a Tweetchat session with the Nigeria Computer Society team, lead by the Chairman, Publicity, Events and Trade Services Committee, Mr Jide Awe.

With the topic “Achieving Success in the Tech Industry”, the session was focused on the achievements of Austin Okere in the creation of a technology company that is organically African and has been able to survive for 25 years. Austin shared practical tips on what an aspiring entrepreneur must do to build a sustaining enterprise. I am going to share some of these with you.


While every the entire part of the conversation bore very impressive ideas, the opening part laid a very good foundation for the entire discourse. Mr Okere’s exposition of his background recalls to mind once again the possibility of producing entirely African champions.

This is quite distinct from the industry narrative of the present that tends to apportion the right to success only to individuals who have been trained in a foreign system. Austin Okere has achieved much in the Nigerian tech space in the past 25 years and he shared a few details in the conversation.

The Technology Industry

On the success rate of the tech industry in Nigeria, he has this to say:

And, he defines what he believes tech really is, this way:

The Challenge of Capital

This was the question:

Here are his thought:

How do you navigate the challenge of finance? He offers a suggestion:

Entrepreneurship is ‘Solving Problems!’

Mr Okere explained what entrepreneurship truly is: identifying a problem, providing solutions and scaling to reach more people. Dazzal!


Ausso Leadership Academy

For the third time, Mr Okere hints at the launch of the Ausso Leadership Academy, a platform through which he will impact future founders and entrepreneurs. He shared some more details about the academy:

Other Nuggets

From his wealth of experience of over 25 years, the founder shared some insightful nuggets that young entrepreneurs will find very useful. Here are a few:

In sum

In case you missed the point of the whole discourse, here is the conclusion of the whole matter:

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